Parish Ministries
Grupo de Oracion - Coordinator: Ashly Flores
This is a Hispanic charismatic prayer group. They meet every Sunday afternoon to share music, prayer, and preaching. They help
other Catholic Hispanic faith communities to organize their own charismatic prayer groups.
Parish Sick and Homebound Ministry:
Communion for sick and homebound
"Sunshine" cards (Marge Nowak)
Prayer Request line (Diane Strouss)
Help with utility shut offs.
The parish also joins with other churches in the area to aid the needy. St. Canera’s ministry is to help with utility bills when shut off is
Food Basket Brigade.
Parishioners help with this area wide collection at Christmas. See PCCW president.
Relay for Life – for cancer research and victims. Coordinator: Kevin Linehan
Grupo de Oracion - Coordinator: Ashly Flores
This is a Hispanic charismatic prayer group. They meet every Sunday afternoon to share music, prayer, and preaching. They help
other Catholic Hispanic faith communities to organize their own charismatic prayer groups.
Parish Sick and Homebound Ministry:
Communion for sick and homebound
"Sunshine" cards (Marge Nowak)
Prayer Request line (Diane Strouss)
Help with utility shut offs.
The parish also joins with other churches in the area to aid the needy. St. Canera’s ministry is to help with utility bills when shut off is
Food Basket Brigade.
Parishioners help with this area wide collection at Christmas. See PCCW president.
Relay for Life – for cancer research and victims. Coordinator: Kevin Linehan